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Vocal Media/Pay It Forward Challenge


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Small Business Saturdays

The Coronavirus-COVID 19 pandemic has many of us in the snap of a Stay Home Order as a precaution for our health and safety. To stop spreading the virus, the (CDC) or the Centers for Disease Control, affirmed all Americans adhere to Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation. Social Distancing includes staying 6 feet away from each other. Quarantine involves someone who may have encountered Covid19 stay away from others. Isolation separating the sick from healthy.

Subsequently, with this pandemic, the downfall has caused many small businesses to close. Personal grooming facilities are now non-essential businesses. (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-03-21/l-a-county-just-strengthened-its-safer-at-home-coronavirus-health-order-heres-what-it-says ). My Vocal story deals with Personal grooming industries that provide Self Care Saturdays to many. As a result, no longer have companies such as massage parlors, nail&hair salons, spas are available for our pleasure.

One company I want to highlight is the Body Lounge located in Encino, Ca. Body Lounge is where I have gone for a satisfying massage. Likewise, they accepted my Groupon, aptly at a reasonable price. Best of all, I felt very safe, almost borderline, as if that day was a sanctuary. Self-care Saturdays, at the moment, are in our homes. Secondly, we should always love, pamper, primp on ourselves. As a result, let us open our hearts and vigorously flow out prayers or positive energy so that our prolific treatment centers will reopen very soon with all safety measures and precautions set stable in place.

Amid the Coronavirus-COVID-19 scare, the Department of Homeland Security stated how the United States operates currently on the strength of essential and non-essential business entitlements. In addition, come one, come all flyers contain slogans of; Am I an essential or non-essential entity? The accuracy of what is essential vs. non-essential is on the Department of Homeland Security website (https://www.dhs.gov/coronavirus/cybersecurity-and-critical-infrastructure); therefore, I furthermore discovered the Saturday solace of personal grooming is at a temporary halt.

The once upon a time when you made your appointment for today, which just happens to be Saturday, April 11th, but wait, your favorite spa is out of service right now, just take some time and stroll down the lonely highway of affection. Right at this moment, freeze into this era, as if it were the same as last year. What personal grooming technique contributes to your robust vernacular? Similarly, there is another small business I keep in mind. What is the site? Oh! in the same vein yet another non-essential small business to tease you with called Green Nail in Sherman Oaks. Green Nail is affordable, and I am most impressed with the work. Unfortunately, it, too, has been devoured by the COVID-19 panic.

The personal grooming industry is catching tremendous heat from the loss of wages, no customers, and crippling distress of being a non-essential business right now. However, I unwittingly came up with “Small Business Saturday” to enlighten those who still may be unaware. Meanwhile, to continue interest and never forget that Saturdays Self Care are now gone, although somehow many will come back as an elegant, fabulous, and a fascinatingly functional habit.

Please get excited and super hyper at the idea of primitive fondness of relaxation, abundance, and self-love sanctification. The gloss and joy of committing to calmness and peace is our ritual of positivity that helps to maintain a healthy mind, body, and soul. Most importantly, these personal grooming companies such as hair, nail, tanning, makeup, massage, day spas; all help protect our sanity. For instance, by letting us achieve and maintain a sense of worthiness, above all, it is so very much needed in the proper scheme of things to come. My devotion is to see them make a viable comeback and strive with uncompromising vigor.

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