One Year In

One Year In

I have the dubious honor of having a side gig, blogging. How I got started? I became interested in writing at a very young age. Therefore my passion for writing has turned into blogging. I am not a full-time paid blogger as of yet, that day will come. Right now it is a side gig, meaning something I love to do aside from my full-time paid gig. Most noteworthy, Blogging is a tool of expression. If I want to discuss a specific topic, I just put pen to paper. Consequently,  the real work comes in getting people to read what you write. This pet peeve has my biggest forte to cinch; everyone has their ideas, the best option is to continue; also, it only takes one person to see (Ramelle Carter Blog) like it, then others will come, for now, I have fun.

Blogging as a Business
Business ideas always change and differentiate the existence. Some people have a keen sense of maintaining the balance in business. Many will succeed in business and rather some will fail. The key is not to get discouraged, the better and positive vibrations which flow from your brand, the better. No one has the best idea or formula, keep pushing out good work and things will fall together into the perfect form. Especially relevant is that Blogging is a very heavily saturated genre with people competing for an appearance to land at the top.

First of all,  stand out from the crowd of other blogs and make sure that your standards stay profitable and prosperous. Blogging entails either your brand is the promotion of getting traffic to your blog, notoriety to be an Influencer and have a significant social media following.

Monetizing a Blog
The best advantage of getting traffic is also in part due to monetizing your blog. Furthermore,  get from Problogger (Darren Rowse) As of yet, I have not mastered this form but the time will come.
Your brand is who you are and the innovative marketing techniques, steps you take to build it. What is your niche? Answer: what are you the best at, some examples are cooking, sewing, baking, beauty, hair, writing, speaking, business and the list could go on.
As a result of all your hard work, this is as plain and straightforward as it gets.

Happy Posting

*****Below are photos of the fabulous fashion show I attended from Fashion Designer Pia Gladys Perey, Congratulations to You*****

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