Corona Virus (COVID -19) CRISIS



As the year 2020 comes alive, a new virus has come on the horizon. COVID-19, or Corona Virus, has brought fear, confinement, and despair. My memory goes back to the year 1984;  I remember being 13 years old and kept hearing of a virus called (ARC) or AIDs related complex, a disease that plagued the now LGBTQ/LGBTQ + community and took the life of my dad. We, as survivors, now hear of cures from this disease; I see great minds coming together for a breakthrough treatment to end the fatality of Corona Virus (COVID-19).

Healthcare crews and military doctors are treating those infected with a COVID-19 virus outbreak. The World Health Organization (, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (, and the Red Cross ( are helping; check your state and local health organizations for pertinent information available to stay Coronavirus free.

The World Health Organization ( an organization established in 1948; their core values is to dedicate every day as World Health Day, something that we as a community, and as a human race should start promoting in our state, city, town, and households. The Who organization is becoming a household name and remains in our daily prayer corner. Yes, precisely a prayer corner, closet, room, whatever your specific spiritual nature wants to call it.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( a significant component of the Department of Health and Human Services. A great source to help the United States in combating the spike, causes, and rotations in the spread of sickness and diseases. Please click on this link to better understand why the (CDC) is a vital entity ( 

Another organization that is always in need of help and volunteers is the American Red Cross (  Our nation can provide care, service, and support.

Other Important Resources

As COVID-19 has many of us dormant in our homes, a project that I have created i is becoming a reality and will be available to the masses. I am happy to announce in the coming months, Ramelle Carter Blog is due to premiere as an online talk show backed by the Pasadena Media Network (  My greatest accomplishment would be to establish a platform that will have a greater appeal to bloggers, influencers, and online media content creators to show off our talents and abilities. I will continue to keep everyone posted on television show airtimes and dates.

Ramelle Carter Blog offers five tips in keeping your family safe.

Quarantine  Supreme

  1.  Take a bath/shower after returning from/or taking care of essential business.
  2.  Clean your home, apartment, living quarters every day with an environmentally safe product, anything with bleach added, also bleach and water is crucial for deep cleaning.
  3.  Wash your hands every 2-3 hours for 20 minutes.
  4.  Eat light breakfast (preferably fruit) and hydrate.
  5.   Spirituality is needed.

COVID 19 Vaccine

All Americans are wondering is there a vaccine available for the Coronavirus illness. As of today, June 7th, 2020, there is no cure for the Coronavirus. Even if there was, Would you be willing to take the vaccine shot? At this moment, several clinical trials are now in the works. The only way to protect yourself is to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and deep cleaning/disinfecting around your living space. Please take the time and stay connected with your family members, friends, and neighbors. Coronavirus COVID19 has ravaged the entire country in as much it does not have to leave a blanket of fear and panic. The rules are now in place; therefore, we can manage and find the necessities to transform by participating in all the good this world has to offer us.








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