Freeing Yourself as a Domestic Abuse Survivor (Guest Blog Post written by Joe Rees)

Freeing Yourself as a Domestic Abuse Survivor (Guest Blog Post written by Joe Rees)

Domestic violence survivors are acutely aware of how colossal the first steps of escaping abuse can be. When your home is no longer your sanctuary, it’s time to step onto a new path. Ramelle Carter Media wants to help and offers the following guidance. 

If you haven’t left, Make a plan

The Office on Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services provides some practical tips on how to go about leaving your abuser. It’s “realistic” because they acknowledge the difficulties many women or even men encounter when removing themselves from domestic violence situations. 

As a result, women fervently believe their abusive partner will change. The abuser will often seem to revert to disguising themselves as a loving and kind person to fuel that belief. It’s a damaging mind game that likely started at the very beginning of the relationship.

Consequently, stop thinking you did something wrong. Think of it as preserving your life and right to a happy and healthy future. 

Safety in your workplace

Domestic violence can extend beyond your home and potentially impact your workplace. Domestic violence is, alarmingly, the fastest-growing category of workplace violence. Therefore, it’s crucial to take steps to ensure your safety. Inform your human resources department or supervisor about your situation so they can help implement necessary safety measures. It’s important to note all people have a right to feel safe and secure in any workplace.

Go forward financially

Financial abuse is another component of domestic abuse. Furthermore, be mindful to use security protocols for banking information before a potentially smooth getaway.

If a survivor can’t access held funds, take steps to protect your credit, such as reviewing your credit report. Secondly, take note and be clever about debt and finances. 

Find your own place

Financial resources aid in stabilizing the fundamentals to recoup and affirm financial footing. Having your own space allows a safe and secure environment and aids in a more suitable healing process.

Afterward, getting a new place, whether it’s an apartment or house, may require extra security. Once everything becomes stable installing an exterior smart camera as well as additional deadbolts, and window locks could maintain a vital safety zone.

Keep taking survival steps

Surviving domestic abuse is a critical first step, notes that mental and emotional repercussions can manifest even after you’ve left a Domestic abuse situation. Mental health and wellness are priorities towards fulfilling your empowerment. 

Furthermore, maintain security in your workplace, separate from your abuser financially, and seek shelter if necessary. Surviving domestic abuse is a journey and the journey needs proper care.

For more resources to help those experiencing domestic abuse, visit Ramelle Carter Media today!

Guest Blog Post is written by

Joe Rees

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